1 Peter

I read all of 1 Peter today.  It's not a very long book, and I read it backwards first, then at lunch I read it forward.

I'd never spent much time in either of the Peters.  I mean, I do know 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

(If you want to know how confused I was knowing this verse and also knowing Aslan represented Jesus Christ, I'll tell you later).

But I was reading though the Morning Prayer of the Daily Office (Book of Common Prayer) and at the end I just felt the need to keep reading the Bible.  I literally could not bring myself to close the Bible.  It was like I had to keep reading, I was breathless while trying to find a spot to begin reading. So I was flipping through and found a page I'd put lots of highlighter on at one point in my life and I started reading there.

Then backtracked to read what the context of the chapter was.

Then backtracked further to read what had happened in the chapter before.

You get the picture.

But it was like I couldn't put the Bible down.  I wanted so much to read and understand everything in this small book of the Bible.

Safe to say there's a lot more highlighter and underlined verses than there was previously.

Safe to also say I'm looking forward to reading more of the Bible.

My priest says that the Bible is God's love letter to His Church.

I think I'm starting to believe it.


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