Hinge of Human History

Hinges in ancient times were a lot different than the hinges we think of when we think of doors. In ancient times hinges were more like pivots on which doors could revolve; knowing this can help one makes sense when someone says "The cross was the hinge of human history."

Yes, the cross was part of the hinge, but it's not the only thing this pivotal part of the door to human history revolves around.

The hinge in its entirety is that of the Christ-event.

What's the Christ-even you ask? I'm glad you asked.

By Christ-event I mean everything about Jesus Christ. The Annunciation, His Birth, His Life, His Death, His Resurrection, His Ascension, and His Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost).

We cannot have any single one of these events without the others. The Annunciation begins it and Pentecost only sets fire to those who remain on earth who have been given the authority by Christ to go out into all the world to make disciples.

Do you get what that means? That means we, the Church the global Church, are part of the authority ushering in the rest of the kingdom of God. We live in an age of restoration between heaven and earth that will be complete at Christ's second coming and we are able to restore this earth because of the power of the Holy Spirit and we could not have had the outpouring the Holy Spirit upon our souls without first Christ's life spread before us from the annunciation until his ascension and his gift of authority in these things.

Let the Holy Spirit work wonders in your life. Be not afraid to follow where it leads you. Extend the reign and rule of God upon this earth in the midst of his and your enemies. Be a part of the hinge that has shaped, is shaping, and will continue to shape human history.


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